Available translations


When is my horse too fat?

7 min. read time


Consequences of Excess Protein in Horses with Stomach Issues

2 min. read time


Josefa Sommer Interview: Equine 74 Gastric Enhances Eventing Horse Health

3 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

Underrated: Gastric Ulcers in Leisure Horses - The Hidden Stressors

5 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

Scientific Studies on Equine Gastric Ulcers: Insights and Findings

13 min. read time


Mastering Stress: Riding Tips for Young Horses

1 min. read time


Coping with Stress: Tips for a Calm Horseshoeing Appointment

2 min. read time


Tips for Stress-Free Horse Show Preparation

1 min. read time


Tips for Stress-Free Horse Trailer Loading

2 min. read time


Stress-Free Riding: Building Confidence with a Calm Horse

1 min. read time


Understanding and Managing Stress Symptoms in Horses

5 min. read time


Tips for Easing Your Horse's Anxiety During Vet Visits

2 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

Diagnosis: gastric ulcer in a horse

14 min. read time


Gastric ulcers in horses: can they be diagnosed using bioresonance?

7 min. read time


Flehmen response in horses: Is it an odour or is it the stomach?

2 min. read time


Calcium overdose in horses

3 min. read time


Stress affects horses' stomachs - what are the symptoms?

4 min. read time


Feeding tips for the very special horses

10 min. read time


How can I prepare my horse for New Year's Eve?

3 min. read time


Can my horse eat the Christmas tree?

2 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

When is the right time to deworm horses?

2 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

How can I keep my horse with stomach ulcers busy in winter?

7 min. read time


How do I reward my horse with stomach ulcers sensibly?

5 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

What are the Costs for Treating a Horse with Gastric Ulcers?

3 min. read time

Read symptoms of colic in horses here

7 min. read time

Colic in horses: 30 tips for emergencies

9 min. read time


Jason Smith's experience of feeding Equine 74 CALMRELAX

2 min. read time


Lisa Nooren about her experiences with Equine 74 Gastric and Calmrelax

4 min. read time

Long-term alternative to omeprazole in horses

10 min. read time


How to focus on prevention of gastric ulcers in horses

5 min. read time


Interview with Suzanne van Mierlo about Equine 74 Gastric

3 min. read time


What is the best prevention when it comes to stomach ulcers?

3 min. read time


Equine 74 Gastric isn't just treating the symptoms of gastric ulcers

3 min. read time


Is there a connection between colic and stomach ulcers in horses?

4 min. read time

How can I prevent equine gastric ulcers?

5 min. read time


Laura Klaphake about her experience with Equine 74 Gastric

4 min. read time


Alessandro Alemani talks about his experience with Equine 74 Gastric

3 min. read time


Philipp Freund about his experiences with Equine 74 Gastric

4 min. read time


With Equine 74 the horse made a drastic improvement in her well-beeing

3 min. read time


Julie De Deken is happy that she found a supplement that works

2 min. read time


Jana Wolters about her experiences with Equine 74

4 min. read time


For Alix Szepesi it's a no brainer to use Equine 74 Gastric

6 min. read time

What symptoms indicate gastric ulcers in horses?

22 min. read time


Terhi Stegars talks about her experiences with Equine 74 Gastric

4 min. read time


Tracy Wyngard-Gill about her Experiences with Equine 74 Gastric

4 min. read time


Why Equine 74 Gastric?

8 min. read time


How do I avoid stress in the horse?

8 min. read time


The feeding of molasses in horses

1 min. read time


Beetroot in horse feeding

1 min. read time


Iodine feeding for horses with stomach problems

1 min. read time


The consequences of vitamin C deficiency in horses with gastric ulcers

1 min. read time


Starch in horse feeding

2 min. read time


Why you should feed your horse oil?

2 min. read time


Feeding wheat bran to horses

1 min. read time


Can I feed oats to a horse with stomach ulcers?

3 min. read time

Grade 1 to 4: Stomach ulcer in horses simply explained!

3 min. read time


Why an acid horse stomach makes horses sick!

4 min. read time


A maintenance product to prevent issues with gastric ulcers and colic

3 min. read time


Equine 74 CALMRELAX – For horses in stressful situations

6 min. read time

Is Omeprazole a long-term solution against gastric ulcers in horses?

3 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

When looking for an alternative to omeprazole I found Equine 74 Gastric

3 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

Is Your Horse Losing Weight? 10 Questions to Help You Find Out Why!

4 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

How should horses with gastric ulcers be fed?

3 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

Watery Stool, Flatulence: When Stress Leads to Excess Stomach Acid!

2 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

Equine gastric ulcers: Which is the right girth for your horse

2 min. read time


When your horse won’t eat.

2 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

Help! My Horse has Gastric Ulcer Symptoms. What to do?

3 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

5 Feeding Tips to Prevent Equine Gastric Ulcers!

4 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

Equine Gastric Ulcers – 4 Feeds to Avoid!

4 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

I Can see a Big Difference With all My Horses on Equine 74 Gastric

4 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

Gastric ulceration in horses: When should a rider listen to his gut?

11 min. read time


Oded Shimoni: I Can See and Feel a Difference When my Horses are on Equine 74 Gastric

3 min. read time


Nayel Nassar experiences with Equine 74 Gastric

2 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

Bruce Goodin: Equine 74 Gastric is still allowing the food to do its Job!

3 min. read time


Pether Markne likes it simple, so he choose Equine 74 Gastric

3 min. read time


4 tips for relaxed horses from Olympic rider Tinne Vilhelmson-Silfven

4 min. read time


Johan Heins prevents gastric ulcer in horses with Equine 74 Gastric

4 min. read time

Rideability problems: A symptom of gastric ulcers in horses

2 min. read time


The keyword in combating Equine Gastric Ulcers is prevention

4 min. read time

These are the most common mistakes in feeding horses with stomach problems!

2 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

Is a defensive behaviour during saddling a symptom for gastric ulcer?

2 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

Are unrideable horses really unrideable or do they have other problems?

2 min. read time

Sudden drop in performance in horses with gastric ulcers

2 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

10 symptoms of gastric ulcers in horses you need to be aware of!

8 min. read time

Hesitant going downhill and difficult lying down on horses with gastric ulcers

2 min. read time

Symptoms and signs horses show when affected by gastric ulcers

1 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

Why do horses crib bit when they suffer from gastric ulcers?

2 min. read time

Chewing empty and gnashing teeth are important symptoms in horses with stomach problems.

1 min. read time

Yawning from the horse alarm signal for gastric ulcer?

1 min. read time

My horse has a dull coat since the stomach ulcer. What can I do?

1 min. read time

Why do colics often occur after concentrate intake?

1 min. read time

Loss of weight: With this formula you calculate the weight of your horse!

2 min. read time

The digestive organs - how to prevent stomach und intestinal ulcers!

2 min. read time

When horses suffer from gastric ulcers: Riders and the eternal fear of sugar!

1 min. read time


Is Omeprazole a long-term solution against gastric ulcers in horses?

4 min. read time

Anna Blomgren: I've Had Such Great Results, I Keep all My Horses on Equine74 Gastric

3 min. read time

Stomach Problem Causes Potential Sire to Miss His Chance

3 min. read time

Do you know the basic needs of your horse?

2 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horses: How to escape the stress trap!

5 min. read time


Andreas Kreuzer: I have a really good feeling with Equine 74 Gastric

3 min. read time

Great Britain´s Joe Clee: "Horses that feel better, will perform better as well!"

2 min. read time

Your horse suffers from gastric ulcers? Read, what German horseowners feed their horses!

1 min. read time

Check out: 4 important nutrients for horses with stomach ulceration!

3 min. read time

How happy is my horse?

3 min. read time


Will Rogers: "With our Horses On Equine 74 Gastric They Look, Feel And Perform Better!"

4 min. read time

How do I train my stomach patient and how can I make sure that my horse is content under the saddle?

2 min. read time

Gastric Ulceration by horses: 5 medicinal plants for stomach patients

2 min. read time


Marco Kutscher and his experience with Equine 74 Gastric

3 min. read time


Darragh Kenny: Equine 74 Gastric is a beneficial for many horses

3 min. read time

You Are What You Eat – why stomach problems are frequently followed by intestinal problems

2 min. read time

Acupuncture and gastric ulcers

2 min. read time


Nayel Nassar about his experience with Equine 74

4 min. read time

Equine 74 Gastric can help with horses in Rehabilitation!

1 min. read time

When your horse eats you from house and home, it’s probably because of his stomach.

4 min. read time


Why Horses Shows Inexplicable Behavior During Training: Expert Insights

4 min. read time

How to steer clear of the stress trap, when your horse loses weight

4 min. read time


Do show horses need doping for their stomach?

5 min. read time

My horse has been diagnosed with ulcers. What should I do next?

4 min. read time

Stomach ulcer in horse

How does my horse tells me it has stomach problems?

2 min. read time

Why do 80% of all high-class sport horses have stomach problems?

4 min. read time