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Equine 74 Gastric can help with horses in Rehabilitation!

Tanja Dietz


1 Min. Lesezeit

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- An article by Alice Stack MVB Phd Dip ACVIM Veterinary Internal Medicine Specialist -

 "Whether we like it or not, at some points in their lives our horses will have to spend a period of time confined to a stable while injuries are given time to heal. During this time, phenylbutazone (bute) is commonly prescribed as an anti-inflammatory drug, and along with box rest, is an important part of the rehabilitation process. Unfortunately stable confinement, pain from injury & bute can be tough on a horse's stomach and potentially lead to the development of gastric ulcers.

Secure a free feed sample of Equine 74 Gastric and help your horse to buffer  excess stomach acid, so it feels well again.

Standing in a stable all day will probably be a big change in your horse's normal daily routine and this will eliminate any time that is usually spent grazing. This in turn will result in your horse's stomach lining being more exposed to naturally occurring stomach acid as the acid-absorbing fibre mat that comes from grazing is no longer present.

Bute is an effective anti-inflammatory drug, but along with making your horse feel less pain, bute can also reduce circulating levels of "good" prostaglandins. These prostaglandins are essential for maintaining a normal blood supply to your horse's gut lining, and when these prostaglandin levels are reduced, the gut lining becomes more susceptible to ulceration.

Equine 74 Gastric helps horses stomach's cope with these challenges by neutralising stomach acid and reducing gastric ulcers and should be considered an essential part of your horse's rehabilitation care."

Equine 74 Gastric

The long-term solution

Buffers the excess acid in the horse's stomach instead of blocking it.

Equine 74 Stomach Calm Relax

In case of acute stress

Supports the nervous horse stomach in stressful situations.