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Do show horses need doping for their stomach?

Tanja Dietz


6 Min. Lesezeit

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Doping is a nasty word. There are rules against it in competition riding defining exactly what substances are not allowed in feeds and supplements. Riders need to take a close look when shopping for supplements to find out if they can feed it to their horses. Otherwise, they could be disqualified.

Secure a free feed sample of Equine 74 Gastric and help your horse to buffer  excess stomach acid, so it feels well again.

With stomach trouble being a common problem among show horses many riders are looking for appropriate supplements. And soon, they realize that the list of ingredients hardly fits on the back of the product. Supplements that can be given after successful medical treatment for gastric ulcers, or gastritis are in great demand. A rider who is interested in trying Equine 74 wrote us:

“I’d like to try your supplement, because my mare is suffering from gastritis which causes her to colic frequently. Currently, she is treated with (a medicine containing the active ingredient omeprazole). Now, I am looking for something I can feed her after the treatment to make sure she still feels fine then she is off the meds.”

Stable managers working for competition riders face similar challenges. Many of them incorporate Equine 74 Gastric into their feeding schedule for the whole barn. After all, they are aware that nervous behavior, poor performance and discomfort are often connected with stomach problems. Especially when competing at shows, horses need to be as well as they can. This makes it crucial to help their stomach to stay healthy.

Safe and certified organic feed for horses with gastric ulcers

Dana Kurrle works as a stable manager at a horse stable in Ohio. She is glad that she doesn’t need to give medical treatment to her horses all the time. She has found a long-term solution to prevent gastric ulcerations. Her horses love Equine 74 Gastric so much she lets them eat it from her hand as a treat.


Dana doesn’t need to worry about anti-doping rules, because Equine 74 Gastric is made from calcium-rich sea algae, and contains no more than two additives: vanilla flavor and digestive yeast. It is guaranteed doping-free.

Read here about Dana Kurrle’s first-hand experiences with our acid-buffering supplement.

"Horses with all kind of stomach problems can benefit from Equine 74 Gastric."
















Dana Kurrle is the barn manager at Blacklick Bend Farm in New Albany, Ohio.

”I have worked at barns all over the East Coast and I have also been to Germany a few times. At Blacklick Bend Farm I take care of the farm at home. I have 35 clients and about 42 horses at the barn when we are full. I train them and do the barn managing.”

Dana found out about Equine 74 Gastric through a friend:

”A friend of mine told me about Equine 74 Gastric. I had a few horses that had been living on omeprazole and a few older horses that were super sensitive. I was willing to try anything to help them to not have to live on omeprazole, so the costs would not be so high. So I gave Equine 74 Gastric a try and I love it, it is wonderful!”

A few of the horses are on Equine 74 Gastric all the time as well as all the horses that go to a show:

”I have about seven horses on it at the moment. A few of them are on it for the maintenance of their stomach, so they’ll have a scoop, a scoop and a half a day. A few of the horses were just super anxious and we could not really get them to relax – normally the first thing to go to for me is to try and help their stomach. So I put them on Equine 74 Gastric to keep their stomach under control. If I am going to a show, I put all my horses on Equine 74 Gastric,  because it works wonders. I have had quite a few horses that only get certain symptoms at the horse show: watery stool, they get stressed and sensitive on their sides. So the horses that are going to a show start getting Equine 74 Gastric a few days before the show, they get it during the show and one day after, to help them feel better.”

Getting started with Equine 74 Gastric is easy:

”Normally when I start a new horse on Equine 74 Gastric, I give one scoop two times a day and see how they react. If they seem to need more, I up the dose to one and a half scoops, and the ones that are doing well, can maintain their stomach with just a half a scoop two times a day. I just keep an eye on how the hoses react.”

Dana has seen a difference in her horses when using Equine 74 Gastric:

”With each horse I feel like I notice a little bit of different things; some horses just get firm stool and start to relax more. Others just go straight to being much more calm and stop being ticklish on their sides. I can notice just in brushing, how some of the horses just start to relax instead of getting upset and worried about their belly. It is a huge help, having this big farm, when the horses are more relaxed and easy to work with – you want to keep everybody happy.”

Dana would recommend Equine 74 Gastric to horses with all kind of stomach problems:

”Any horse that ever had a sensitive stomach – any horse that tends to get anxious and have ulcers, put them on it. I believe there is not one horse out there who would not need it. Also those horses that are temperamentally grumpy, upset with the girth and against your leg, I would put them on Equine 74 Gastric. Loose stool, sensitive stomach – those symptons also. I would pretty much  use it on any horse that has had any kind of stomach problem.”

Dana’s best tips on using Equine 74 Gastric are monitoring your horse and feeding Equine 74 Gastric so that the horses feel like they are getting a treat:

”Depending on what the horse needs, I would start with one and a half scoop a day and just monitor the horse. Depending on how severe it seems the horse needs help, that’s how I would decide on the dose. The maintenance dose for my horses is half a scoop.

What I have done lately is that I have fed Equine 74 Gastric straight from my hand, like a treat – and the horses love it! And it makes them feel better! So every time I bring Equine 74 Gastric out, everybody seems to want it. So I just go down the aisle and feed them a few handfulls.”

Equine 74 Gastric

The long-term solution

Buffers the excess acid in the horse's stomach instead of blocking it.

Equine 74 Stomach Calm Relax

In case of acute stress

Supports the nervous horse stomach in stressful situations.