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7 important rules for feeding horses with gastric ulcers

Tanja Dietz


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Stomach ulcers, irritations and lesions are caused when excess gastric acid cannot be buffered sufficiently and attacks the stomach lining, causes lasting damage. It is therefore extremely important that one observe a few important basic rules when feeding horses with sensitive stomachs:

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Here are 7 essential feeding tips for horses with stomach ulcers:

1. Provide ample amounts of high-quality roughage to help buffer excess gastric acid and protect the stomach lining.

2. Allow for longer feeding times and minimize the intervals between meals. This helps maintain a consistent pH balance in the stomach and prevents hyperacidity.

3. Always offer roughage before concentrated feed. This ensures that the horse's saliva can effectively buffer any additional acid produced during digestion.

4. Tailor the feed and mineral supplements to meet the specific requirements of the horse. This helps prevent nutrient deficiencies and supports overall digestive health.

5. Avoid overfeeding concentrated feed. Only provide the necessary amount to prevent overloading the gastrointestinal tract.

6. Stick to consistent feeding schedules. Horses thrive on routine, and any delays in feeding can lead to increased acid production and stomach irritation.

7. Consider using a supplement like Equine 74 Gastric to support the needs of horses with sensitive stomachs. This can help promote a healthy digestive system and prevent the development of ulcers.

By following these feeding tips, you can help protect your horse's stomach and prevent the discomfort and damage caused by gastric ulcers.


To maintain a healthy stomach for your horse, it is crucial to provide them with high-quality roughage. This roughage should be vibrant green, fragrant, and have a rich texture, but avoid anything too woody. The fibrous nature of the roughage encourages chewing and stimulates saliva production. Saliva has an alkaline pH value that helps prevent excessive acidity in the stomach. Since horses only produce saliva when they eat, it is important to extend the feeding times as much as possible. Avoid long intervals of more than four hours between meals to ensure a steady supply of saliva and prevent acid build-up.

To prevent excessive acid formation in the stomach, it is crucial to avoid giving the horse more concentrated feed than necessary. This feed should be divided into multiple portions throughout the day. It is recommended to offer concentrated feed after hay, as the already-present saliva can better buffer any additional acid produced during digestion. By following this feeding strategy, you can ensure the stomach remains protected and the horse's overall digestive health is supported.

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In addition, feeding the concentrated feed more slowly allows for increased saliva production, which aids in the digestion of the concentrated feed. It is important to be mindful of the amount of concentrated feed given to the horse, as their gastrointestinal tracts are not designed to handle large quantities. Thus, it is crucial to provide only the necessary amount of concentrated feed to support the horse's digestive health efficiently.

Stick to consistent feeding schedules

It is important to supplement the horse's feed with targeted mineral feeds to prevent nutrient deficiencies and their potential negative effects. Horses thrive on routine, and they become accustomed to consistent feeding times. If feeding is delayed, it can cause a stressful reaction and increase the production of stomach acid, leading to irritation of the stomach lining. This is problematic because roughage intake alone cannot effectively buffer the excess acid. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain a consistent feeding schedule to support the horse's digestive health and prevent any potential stomach issues.

If your horse has a sensitive stomach or experiences acute digestion problems, it's important to provide some assistance to its stomach or entire digestive tract. One effective method is to offer hay in close-meshed hay nets, ensuring that the horse always has something to chew on and remains occupied with eating the hay for a longer period of time. This not only lengthens feeding times but also promotes saliva production, which can help protect the stomach and alleviate digestive issues.

Further information on the subject

Preventing stomach ulcers in horses is crucial for both their well-being and your peace of mind. Not only can ulcers be costly and time-consuming to treat, but they also cause significant discomfort for your horse. Luckily, there are effective measures you can take to prevent them. In this blog post, we will explore some key strategies to keep your horse's stomach healthy and ulcer-free.

How can I prevent equine gastric ulcers?

Equine 74 Gastric

The long-term solution

Buffers the excess acid in the horse's stomach instead of blocking it.

Equine 74 Stomach Calm Relax

In case of acute stress

Supports the nervous horse stomach in stressful situations.