Equine 74 Blog

Longe Training Tips: Keeping Your Horse Calm and Collected

Written by Tanja Dietz | 07. Apr 2024

When it comes to longing, opinions are divided. Some incorporate it into their weekly training routine, while others prefer to work their horse from above.

Longing is also met with varying levels of enthusiasm among horses. While some horses excel at longing and work well, others constantly run off, resist, and hollow their backs. For these horses, longing can quickly become stressful.

Variety is key

To effectively work with anxious horses on the lunge line, a combination of calmness and variety is essential. The lunge handler must be a steady anchor for the horse, providing clear and consistent cues. Incorporate different changes of pace into the training session. Adjust the size, shape, and location of the circle to keep your horse engaged mentally. Adding poles on the ground can also help activate your horse's hind end and provide a change of scenery.

The key lies in the frame

An essential aspect is your posture and body language. Just like when riding, maintaining body tension and being present are key when longing. To properly frame your horse, the back of your hand on the lunge line, the lunge itself, and the bit should form a straight line. The other hand, whip, and your horse's hind leg form the other line. The whip serves as the driving aid, while the lunge aid represents the accepting and yielding aids.

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Voice is important

More than when riding, the voice aid of the lunge handler is crucial when longing. While cues and whip are primarily responsible for aids, it is important to support the aids with a calm voice. Especially with nervous, hectic, or tense horses, a soothing voice is highly effective in providing security and calming the horse.